Annalise continues to improve although she is not out of the woods yet. She only has her nose feeding tube and a PICC line in her left arm other than that she is tube free! She is up to 26cc now per feeding, and she is nursing off of mother! She still needs all of our prayers to bring her home safely and soon. My program has graciously changed my schedule so that I can work at Loma Linda (where Annalise is) for the next 3 months. Every chance I get at some down time I sneak off to visit her, and sometimes take a power nap with her. She is beautiful to look at and a real blessing from heaven!

We were admiring her features and realized that neither Siobhan or I have her ears and wondered who the culprit might be. Fess up family . . . who gave her elf ears!?

Logan had his ENT and audiology appointment this week they said that his right ear has completely normal hearing, yeah! His left ear has some conductive hearing loss and they recommend that we put another set of tubes in his ear since the last ones fell out. This will be his third time, hopefully the adage "third times a charm" holds true for him here. Siobhan is worried about him as Logan is her baby and she hates to see him go through an operation no mater how small.

On a happier note David is excited to have his first loose tooth. I decided to get one last full mouth grin of his babies before they all fall out. Logan overheard him and said that he also has loose teeth and that they are falling out. He truly does follow in his brother footsteps and desires so much to be just like him, even if it means loosing teeth.
1 comment:
Logan we will pray for your ear surgery to get tubes put in and David, bite an apple three times a day and the tooth fairy will be coming sooner than you think. Happy to hear Truly is doing much better, we will continue to pray for her health so she can come home and meet her funny brothers. Ryan, thats awesome that you get to work at Loma Linda, keep up the good work. Love you all!
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