Today durring our visit Annalise was wide awake. She was looking at us and would turn towards me when I made a funny sound. She continues to be stable today and has gone up slightly on the amount of milk she is drinking, now taking 3 cc! Today she is a week and a day old. You can tell at some moments she is crying but no sound comes out since she is intubated still. We are truly blessed to have her in our lives.
THAT IS SOOOOO AWSOME!(AWSUM? AHHHSOME MORE) She looks like a very healthy newly born princess....with tubes. wiggle wiggle wiggle i love you little princess! grandpa David the Elder
Wow, you guys. Looks like life interesting for you right now! Congratulations on a beautiful baby girl... she looks lovely. I cannot wait to hear that she is home with you, able to have lots of cuddle time with the boys.
Hope residency is going well, and that Ryan is still able to keep up with this "curveball." Hope you guys have lots of support and help... I'm sure you do...
She looks like a very healthy newly born princess....with tubes.
wiggle wiggle wiggle
i love you little princess!
grandpa David the Elder
I love the way she waived good-bye at the end of the video. Everyone should have a blog about them when they are this young ...
Wow, you guys. Looks like life interesting for you right now! Congratulations on a beautiful baby girl... she looks lovely. I cannot wait to hear that she is home with you, able to have lots of cuddle time with the boys.
Hope residency is going well, and that Ryan is still able to keep up with this "curveball." Hope you guys have lots of support and help... I'm sure you do...
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